
Discover Vially’s expertise

4 reasons

why VIALLE is the right one
partner for you

Market launch new products

Bringing new products onto the market must be carefully considered. Countless factors play a role, especially when it comes to new perfumes. We know these factors from long experience and know what tailor-made market launch strategies have to look like in order to make the start on the market a success. For new perfumes, the effectiveness of scent samples must be incorporated into the strategy. Those samples are the door openers that customers press when the market insertion has been successful.

Why do we focus on scent samples? Aren’t they more like accessories that don’t play a decisive role? We see it differently, and our concept pays special attention to your samples. Because nothing works without an all-round view during the market launch. Product development must be thought through down to the smallest detail, and this already shows that maximum flexibility is the cornerstone for success. The path once taken may have to be changed again during the process if new findings require this. We do this because we don’t cling to processes that we can design better. The overarching goal is to build the customer’s understanding that a new perfume can be tried comfortably and, in the next step, easily purchased directly from the manufacturer.

Product development is dominated by the introduction process, which is preceded by extensive market analyses, precise market launch strategies and targeted analyzes of the competition. In order to position the new product effectively and generate high visibility, we evaluate a variety of data that leads to the perfect positioning of your new perfume. For you, this means operating on the market faster, more efficiently and more cost-effectively, because we place your fragrance samples where they have the greatest potential and can achieve the maximum effect.


Sales analysis

A bottle of perfume is a bottle. Perfume is a bottle… you know, a rose is a rose. But that’s not enough to make your product unique on the market. You have to be different from your competitors, your scent has to become something unique, it has to burn itself into the hearts of customers. Fragrance samples are to perfumeries what samples are to gourmets. They stimulate and create a new feeling in the customer, which ideally they want to continue to have.

Branding begins with the first test of a new perfume. The testers create the new brand themselves up to a certain point; they build up associations with the scent that they spontaneously associate with it. Professional branding uses these customer associations to create a lasting connection between customer and fragrance. Ordering directly from the manufacturer creates additional proximity because the purchase can be made without detours.

The finished perfume can only use this effect if it already exists. New scents create something different emotionally in customers. Both approach each other, feel each other, yes, they sniff each other in a double sense. We have had experiences in this area that have sometimes surprised us. A familiar scent can be associated with certain experiences or events, while a new scent creates new events and associations. This allows him to penetrate deeply into the customers’ emotional world. There can be no better branding than what the customer helps to develop themselves. And a better purchase than directly from the manufacturer, i.e. from you, is not possible.



No sales analysis without samples, sales data and the customer’s sales behavior! The best product is of no use to you if you bring it onto the market “on the blue”. Your fragrance samples are an integral part of your sales analysis, and we take care of the details.

Samples of your perfume are also directly related to your sales figures and strategies. The number of samples, the spatial distribution and the feedback from customers give you important information about the performance assessment of your product. We provide you with data about purchasing behavior, optimal pricing and align your sales strategy with a variety of features that reduce wastage and increase efficiency.

The inclusion of scent samples is also essential for market segmentation. They are the “little brother” of the finished product and help to identify your target group and develop appropriate marketing that is precisely tailored to customer needs. These include, among other things, the easy purchase of your products. If this takes place in direct contact with you, i.e. the order can be placed without detours, not only is the customer satisfied, it also provides you with important information about seasonal fluctuations, new trends, changing demands and even the competition.
Sales analysis is a never-ending process. The market is constantly changing, so we update our data regularly and support you with market introduction and sales. Your scent samples provide the basis for success, our information ensures their realization.


Boost customer satisfaction

It is precisely the existing customers who are often hit hard. Because in many companies the thinking prevails that the focus must be on new customers. According to the motto “What you have, you have,” existing customers quickly fade into the background. You would think that this corporate mistake would be a thing of the past, but unfortunately it is still a common occurrence.

This is particularly true in the perfume industry: trends change, scents change, designs change and: customers change. It is therefore a fallacy to view an existing customer as an event set in stone. This means that you too have to change, you have to adapt, arouse curiosity, develop new things and convince customers of them. Your scent samples are therefore an indicator of current developments; they provide information about what is received, where it is received, and who it is received by.

Customer satisfaction also includes the convenient way to get your perfume. As hectic as it is “out there” in the analogue world, in which there is a constant lack of time and people “work through” their purchases, it feels just as relaxed to be able to purchase your perfume directly from you as the manufacturer from the comfort of your own home . They not only provide him with his perfume, but also, with our help, new fragrance samples, enable him to participate in new developments and offer him help if he has any questions.

As important as new customers are for every company, maintaining existing customers should always have an important place at the forefront.
