
Fragrant expertise: Your source for success

Fragrant expertise: Your source for success

Our concept

The art of scent has a long and rich history that has enchanted cultures and generations. At Vially GmbH we share your passion for perfumes and understand the challenges facing the perfume industry.

Our mission is to help you succeed in this fascinating world.

The perfume market is special on many levels. Keywords here are market monopolists, sustainability, customer behavior and waste generation. But probably the biggest challenge is to convince customers of something new. If you know the reasons for customer reluctance, you can take targeted action and be successful with your business model.

Of course you know these “construction sites”. But are you also using the potential behind it? The key points just mentioned are important, but what stands out for you is customer behavior. If you don’t analyze this and adjust your activities accordingly, you might as well sit in the corner with a book or stare thoughtfully at the sky.

If you chose to read our website instead of the book, you will have a few aha moments. Because we show you what makes customers tick, where they are slow and where their curiosity can be aroused. For you, these insights are the basis for growing success, and you will see where you need to focus in order to cement and expand this success.


Market launch

Bringing new products onto the market must be carefully considered. Countless factors play a role, especially when it comes to new perfumes. We know these factors from long experience and know what tailor-made market launch strategies have to look like in order to make the start on the market a success. For new perfumes, the effectiveness of scent samples must be incorporated into the strategy. Those samples are the door openers that customers press when the market insertion has been successful.


A bottle of perfume is a bottle. Perfume is a bottle... you know, a rose is a rose. But that's not enough to make your product unique on the market. You have to be different from your competitors, your scent has to become something unique, it has to burn itself into the hearts of customers. Fragrance samples are to perfumeries what samples are to gourmets. They stimulate and create a new feeling in the customer, which ideally they want to continue to have.

Sales analysis

Sales analysis is a crucial tool for optimizing your business strategy in the perfume industry. Our experts conduct detailed sales analysis to gain valuable insights into your business.
We analyze your sales data to identify patterns and trends and uncover strengths and weaknesses in your sales network.

Boost customer satisfaction

It is precisely the existing customers who are often hit hard. Because in many companies the thinking prevails that the focus must be on new customers. According to the motto “What you have, you have,” existing customers quickly fade into the background. You would think that this corporate mistake would be a thing of the past, but unfortunately it is still a common occurrence.